miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Michal Stahel: Song of Solitude, Outdoor

Michal Stahel: Song of Solitude

Tchaikovsky Serenade Melancolique Op.26-Isaac Stern

Saint-Saëns 'The Swan' - 40 Cellos 'The London Cello Sound'

Sergei Rachmaninov - String Quartet No. 1 {Romance & Scherzo}

Shostakovich, Cuarteto de cuerdas N° 8 en do menor (op. 110)

Quatuor Ebène : Robert Schumann String quartet Nr. 3 a-minor Op. 41/3

David Oistrakh Quartet plays Beethoven string quartet No. 4 ,Op 18 ,1 mvt